Monday, June 22, 2009

My first post!

So I have always wanted to start a blog, but never really knew what exactly I wanted to say, and maybe I still don't, but this is my attempt at helping people live a gluten free lifestyle. I hope to somehow help someone out there, even if it just one person. It is not easy to do and can be very confusing and lonely. Aside from gluten free posts I will occasionally throw in other things as well. Whatever I am feeling that day I will post it. It might be just about what I did that day or what I am loving at the moment. I hope you enjoy!

I was diagnosed with Celiac disease in the summer of 2005. My mom was diagnosed previous to me and my brother shortly after. My mom has lived with horrible symptoms of this disease for a very long time and finally someone figured out what was wrong with her. I am happy to say after completely eliminating gluten out of her diet she feels so much better now. So as you can see it is extremely hereditary, and if anyone in your family is diagnosed, everyone should be tested.

So what the heck is Celiac disease and gluten? Celiac disease is an intolerance of gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, some oats, barley and rye. This is a very serious disease and will cause lots and lots of symptoms if not treated correctly. The only fix for Celiac disease is following a gluten free diet. The best thing about all of this is it is reversible, but you MUST follow a gluten free diet for the rest of your life. There is a lot more information about this on my favorite website

With all of that said I'm excited that this is my first post and I'm finally getting this blog together. I will post as often as I can come up with something to say which will hopefully be often. :) I hope you enjoy and find this helpful!

1 comment:

  1. Yey!! you have your own blog! That is so cool! LOVE IT!

    <3 Jenny <3
